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get out of debt


Looking to find a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (formerly known as Bankruptcy Trustee or Trustee in Bankruptcy) in Lacombe? You're not alone: each year, thousands of Canadians find themselves facing financial trouble, which is why they turn to MNP LTD for help. We're here to help you through your financial situation, no matter how complex or impossible you may think it to be.

When you visit the MNP LTD office nearest you, you can expect attentive service from professionals who are leaders in their field. Our main goal is to provide you with the professional advice you need to put debt behind you. Take charge today by giving us a call, and we'll help you regain the financial stability you deserve

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Let us help you evaluate your options

The purpose of filing for bankruptcy is to provide you with a fresh financial start. It is governed by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. First thing's first: you should get in contact with your local MNP LTD Licensed Insolvency Trustee, who will review your financial situation and determine all available options. It could be just what you need to discover the best options available to you -- because a good decision is an informed one.

The following should be taken into account when considering the debt solutions available to you:

  • Do you regularly spend more than you earn?
  • Are you facing legal action (e.g. garnishment)?
  • Do you use your credit card for everyday necessities?
  • Are you at risk of having your credit card revoked?
  • Have you been receiving collection letters or phone calls from your creditors?
  • Are your financial struggles causing you stress?

If any of these questions ring true for you, it’s time to talk to our dedicated debt professionals.

What is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT)?
Personal Insolvency Counselling

MNP offers permanent life-changing debt solutions to individuals struggling with an overwhelming amount of debt. Our trustees are here to help.

Get Started Now!

Call us today at 587-802-4208 or fill out our form to get a free consultation!


Tailored solutions

Informal Debt Settlement

Depending on the amount of debt you have, it may be possible for you to contact your creditors directly and negotiate a lower interest rate or a repayment schedule that works for you.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation combines your debt into a single monthly repayment  so that you can pay off multiple creditors.

Orderly Payment of Debt

Under the Orderly Payment of Debt (OPD) program the court consolidates your loans and pays your unsecured creditors in three or more years at an interest rate of 5% per annum.

Personal Bankruptcy

When it comes to your restoring your credit, there’s more than one way to get it done. Together with your MNP LTD Licensed Insolvency Trustee, you can review the advantages and disadvantages of each of your available options.

If you're ready to speak with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee in Lacombe, you can rest assured you're well on your way to receiving sound professional advice you can count on. You can rest assured that we'll consider all your options when creating a plan tailored to your situation. Together, we’ll guide you through the available options.